Hotel Amerika

Thank you for your interest in Hotel Amerika.

Launched in 2002, Hotel Amerika is already firmly established as an exciting venue for both well-known and emerging writers. We publish exceptional writing in all its forms, so it’s not uncommon to find traditional work alongside the experimental. We strive to house in our pages the most unique and provocative poetry, fiction and nonfiction available. Work with a quirky, unconventional edge—either in form or content—is often favored by our editors. Hotel Amerika is an eclectic journal that attracts an equally eclectic audience.


We welcome submissions in all genres of creative writing, generously defined. We do not publish book reviews as such, although we will consider review-like essays that transcend the specific objects of consideration.

We do not accept multiple simultaneous submissions to other publications and will automatically decline work submitted elsewhere, as we will respond to you in relatively good time.

Submissions will be considered between September 1 and April 1. Materials received after April 1 and before September 1 will not be considered.

We do not accept submission via mail.  

Hotel Amerika